temple bar tradfest

Temple Bar TradFest 2025

You have probably heard about the legendary area in Dublin called Temple Bar. Would you like to like to visit the area and experience a festival packed with Irish folk music, culture, and traditions? Temple Bar TradFest is the place for you!

Temple Bar TradFest, held in Dublin, is an annual traditional Irish music and culture festival that celebrates the rich heritage of Irish music, song, dance, and storytelling. The festival typically takes place in late January, and it has become one of the most significant events on the Irish cultural calendar.

The festival primarily takes place in the historic Temple Bar district of Dublin. This area is renowned for its vibrant cultural scene, with numerous pubs, galleries, and cultural centers. The event itself spans over multiple days, often running from Wednesday through Sunday.

There are lots of things to enjoy during the festival, including live music performances, workshops, talks, storytelling sessions, and more. Musicians and artists from Ireland and around the world participate in the festival.

Not only will you discover Irish culture and music during the festival. It is also a wonderful opportunity to explore the Templer Bar district as lots of venues throughout the area are used during the festival. Such venues include renowned pubs, theaters, galleries, and even outdoor stages. This allows attendees to enjoy traditional music and other cultural performances in a variety of settings.

Would you like to get an introduction to Irish music and dance and join a workshop to learn some yourself? There are often workshops available for people like you during the event.

Some of the events during the festival are free, but most require you to buy a ticket beforehand. It is a popular event, so if you see something you want to experience, buy your ticket as quickly as possible.

Temple Bar TradFest 2025

Dates: January 22-26
Location: Temple Bar District

Temple Bar TradFest is a fantastic way to experience the lively and welcoming atmosphere of Dublin, and it’s a must-visit for anyone interested in Irish music and culture. Keep in mind that the specific details and lineup of the festival can vary from year to year, so it’s a good idea to check the official website or local event listings for the most up-to-date information if you plan to attend.

If you want to read more about other events, concerts, exhibitions, and festivals in Dublin, look at this page.


Jan 22 - 26 2025


All Day

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